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2024-12-19 更新
Dialogue with the Machine and Dialogue with the Art World: Evaluating Generative AI for Culturally-Situated Creativity
Authors:Rida Qadri, Piotr Mirowski, Aroussiak Gabriellan, Farbod Mehr, Huma Gupta, Pamela Karimi, Remi Denton
This paper proposes dialogue as a method for evaluating generative AI tools for culturally-situated creative practice, that recognizes the socially situated nature of art. Drawing on sociologist Howard Becker’s concept of Art Worlds, this method expands the scope of traditional AI and creativity evaluations beyond benchmarks, user studies with crowd-workers, or focus groups conducted with artists. Our method involves two mutually informed dialogues: 1) ‘dialogues with art worlds’ placing artists in conversation with experts such as art historians, curators, and archivists, and 2)’dialogues with the machine,’ facilitated through structured artist- and critic-led experimentation with state-of-the-art generative AI tools. We demonstrate the value of this method through a case study with artists and experts steeped in non-western art worlds, specifically the Persian Gulf. We trace how these dialogues help create culturally rich and situated forms of evaluation for representational possibilities of generative AI that mimic the reception of generative artwork in the broader art ecosystem. Putting artists in conversation with commentators also allow artists to shift their use of the tools to respond to their cultural and creative context. Our study can provide generative AI researchers an understanding of the complex dynamics of technology, human creativity and the socio-politics of art worlds, to build more inclusive machines for diverse art worlds.
PDF NeurIPS 2024 Creative AI Track
Key Takeaways
- 该论文提出了一种新的评估生成式人工智能工具的方法,即通过对话方式,旨在更全面地评估工具在文化情境中的创意实践。
- 方法涵盖了与“艺术世界”的对话,包括与艺术家、专家(如艺术史学家、策展人和档案保管员)的交流。
- 论文强调了与机器的对话,通过艺术家和评论家引导的实验,评估生成式人工智能工具的代表性能力。
- 对话方法有助于创造丰富文化和情境化的评估,反映生成式人工智能在模拟广义艺术生态系统接收生成作品时的表现。
- 艺术家能够通过与评论员的对话,根据文化和创意背景调整工具的使用。
- 此研究为生成式人工智能研究人员提供了对技术、人类创造力和艺术世界复杂动态的理解。

Multi-Party Supervised Fine-tuning of Language Models for Multi-Party Dialogue Generation
Authors:Xiaoyu Wang, Ningyuan Xi, Teng Chen, Qingqing Gu, Yue Zhao, Xiaokai Chen, Zhonglin Jiang, Yong Chen, Luo Ji
Large Language Models (LLM) are usually fine-tuned to participate in dyadic or two-party dialogues, which can not adapt well to multi-party dialogues (MPD), which hinders their applications in such scenarios including multi-personal meetings, discussions and daily communication. Previous LLM-based researches mainly focus on the multi-agent framework, while their base LLMs are still pairwisely fine-tuned. In this work, we design a multi-party fine-tuning framework (MuPaS) for LLMs on the multi-party dialogue datasets, and prove such a straightforward framework can let the LLM align with the multi-party conversation style efficiently and effectively. We also design two training strategies which can convert MuPaS into the MPD simulator. Substantial experiments show that MuPaS can achieve state-of-the-art multi-party response, higher accuracy of the-next-speaker prediction, higher human and automatic evaluated utterance qualities, and can even generate reasonably with out-of-distribution scene, topic and role descriptions. The MuPaS framework bridges the LLM training with more complicated multi-party applications, such as conversation generation, virtual rehearsal or meta-universe.
Key Takeaways
- 大型语言模型(LLM)在多方对话(MPD)中的适应能力有待提高。
- 提出了一种新的多方微调框架(MuPaS)来优化LLM在多方对话中的表现。
- MuPaS框架能有效提升LLM在多方对话数据集中的性能。
- 设计了两种训练策略,将MuPaS转化为MPD模拟器以提高模拟效果。
- MuPaS框架实现了最佳的多方响应和预测下一位发言者的准确性。
- MuPaS能提升人机评估的发言质量,并能在不同的场景、话题和角色描述中生成合理的回应。

Gravitational radiation reaction for compact binary systems at the fourth-and-a-half post-Newtonian order
Authors:Luc Blanchet, Guillaume Faye, David Trestini
We compute the gravitational radiation-reaction force on a compact binary source at the fourth-and-a-half post-Newtonian (4.5PN) order of general relativity, i.e., 2PN order beyond the leading 2.5PN radiation reaction. The calculation is valid for general orbits in a general frame, but in a particular coordinate system which is an extension of the Burke-Thorne coordinate system at the lowest order. With the radiation-reaction acceleration, we derive (from first principles) the flux-balance laws associated with the energy, the angular and linear momenta, and the center-of-mass position, in a general frame and up to 4.5PN order. Restricting our attention to the frame of the center of mass, we point out that the equations of motion acquire a non-local-in-time contribution at the 4.5PN order, made of the integrated flux of linear momentum (responsible for the recoil of the source) together with the instantaneous flux of center-of-mass position. The non-local contribution was overlooked in the past literature, which assumed locality of the radiation-reaction force in the center of mass frame at 4.5PN order. We discuss the consequences of this non-local effect and obtain consistent non-local equations of motion and flux balance laws at 4.5PN order in the center-of-mass frame.
PDF 40 pages, 1 table
Key Takeaways
- 引力辐射反作用力在广义相对论的四又二分之一后牛顿等级的计算方法。
- 计算适用于一般的轨道和框架。
- 在质心框架内,推导了能量、角动量和质心位置的流量平衡定律。
- 在4.5PN等级下,运动方程获得了非即时性的贡献。
- 非局部效应包括线性动量的积分通量和质心位置的即时通量。
- 过去文献忽视了这一非局部效应的贡献。