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2024-12-26 更新

Singular Value Scaling: Efficient Generative Model Compression via Pruned Weights Refinement

Authors:Hyeonjin Kim, Jaejun Yoo

While pruning methods effectively maintain model performance without extra training costs, they often focus solely on preserving crucial connections, overlooking the impact of pruned weights on subsequent fine-tuning or distillation, leading to inefficiencies. Moreover, most compression techniques for generative models have been developed primarily for GANs, tailored to specific architectures like StyleGAN, and research into compressing Diffusion models has just begun. Even more, these methods are often applicable only to GANs or Diffusion models, highlighting the need for approaches that work across both model types. In this paper, we introduce Singular Value Scaling (SVS), a versatile technique for refining pruned weights, applicable to both model types. Our analysis reveals that pruned weights often exhibit dominant singular vectors, hindering fine-tuning efficiency and leading to suboptimal performance compared to random initialization. Our method enhances weight initialization by minimizing the disparities between singular values of pruned weights, thereby improving the fine-tuning process. This approach not only guides the compressed model toward superior solutions but also significantly speeds up fine-tuning. Extensive experiments on StyleGAN2, StyleGAN3 and DDPM demonstrate that SVS improves compression performance across model types without additional training costs. Our code is available at: https://github.com/LAIT-CVLab/Singular-Value-Scaling.



PDF Accepted to AAAI 2025


本文介绍了一种名为奇异值缩放(SVS)的技术,该技术旨在优化已修剪权重的初始化,适用于生成对抗网络(GANs)和扩散模型(Diffusion models)。研究发现,修剪权重后的模型在微调时存在效率问题,而SVS技术通过调整奇异值来改进权重的初始化,提高微调效率。在StyleGAN2、StyleGAN3和DDPM上的实验表明,SVS技术能提高不同模型的压缩性能,且无需额外的训练成本。

Key Takeaways

  1. 修剪方法虽能有效维持模型性能并节省训练成本,但常常忽略修剪权重对后续微调或蒸馏的影响,导致效率降低。
  2. 当前针对生成模型的压缩技术主要集中于GANs和特定的架构(如StyleGAN),而对Diffusion模型的压缩研究才刚刚起步。
  3. 需要开发一种适用于多种模型类型(包括GANs和Diffusion模型)的压缩方法。
  4. 本文提出了一种名为奇异值缩放(SVS)的技术,用于优化修剪权重的初始化。
  5. SVS技术通过调整奇异值来改进权重的初始化,从而提高微调效率并引导模型达到更优解。
  6. 在StyleGAN2、StyleGAN3和DDPM上的实验表明,SVS技术能有效提高模型的压缩性能。

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Adversarial Attack Against Images Classification based on Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Yahe Yang

Adversarial attacks on image classification systems have always been an important problem in the field of machine learning, and generative adversarial networks (GANs), as popular models in the field of image generation, have been widely used in various novel scenarios due to their powerful generative capabilities. However, with the popularity of generative adversarial networks, the misuse of fake image technology has raised a series of security problems, such as malicious tampering with other people’s photos and videos, and invasion of personal privacy. Inspired by the generative adversarial networks, this work proposes a novel adversarial attack method, aiming to gain insight into the weaknesses of the image classification system and improve its anti-attack ability. Specifically, the generative adversarial networks are used to generate adversarial samples with small perturbations but enough to affect the decision-making of the classifier, and the adversarial samples are generated through the adversarial learning of the training generator and the classifier. From extensive experiment analysis, we evaluate the effectiveness of the method on a classical image classification dataset, and the results show that our model successfully deceives a variety of advanced classifiers while maintaining the naturalness of adversarial samples.



PDF 7 pages, 6 figures


Key Takeaways

  1. 生成对抗网络(GANs)在图像生成领域的广泛应用引发了一系列安全问题。
  2. 滥用虚假图像技术可能导致恶意篡改和个人隐私侵犯。
  3. 受GANs启发,提出了一种新型对抗性攻击方法。
  4. 该方法通过生成对抗性样本对分类器进行对抗性学习。
  5. 对抗性样本具有小扰动,但足以影响分类器的决策。
  6. 方法在经典图像分类数据集上进行了广泛实验,证明了其有效性。

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DAE-Fuse: An Adaptive Discriminative Autoencoder for Multi-Modality Image Fusion

Authors:Yuchen Guo, Ruoxiang Xu, Rongcheng Li, Zhenghao Wu, Weifeng Su

In extreme scenarios such as nighttime or low-visibility environments, achieving reliable perception is critical for applications like autonomous driving, robotics, and surveillance. Multi-modality image fusion, particularly integrating infrared imaging, offers a robust solution by combining complementary information from different modalities to enhance scene understanding and decision-making. However, current methods face significant limitations: GAN-based approaches often produce blurry images that lack fine-grained details, while AE-based methods may introduce bias toward specific modalities, leading to unnatural fusion results. To address these challenges, we propose DAE-Fuse, a novel two-phase discriminative autoencoder framework that generates sharp and natural fused images. Furthermore, We pioneer the extension of image fusion techniques from static images to the video domain while preserving temporal consistency across frames, thus advancing the perceptual capabilities required for autonomous navigation. Extensive experiments on public datasets demonstrate that DAE-Fuse achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks, with superior generalizability to tasks like medical image fusion.





Key Takeaways

  1. 在极端环境下,多模态图像融合对许多应用至关重要。
  2. 当前图像融合方法存在缺陷,需要改进。
  3. DAE-Fuse是一种新型的两阶段判别性自编码器框架,用于生成清晰自然的融合图像。
  4. DAE-Fuse解决了基于GAN和AE的方法的缺陷。
  5. DAE-Fuse将图像融合技术从静态图像扩展到视频领域。
  6. DAE-Fuse保持视频帧间的时间一致性。

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Prediction Exposes Your Face: Black-box Model Inversion via Prediction Alignment

Authors:Yufan Liu, Wanqian Zhang, Dayan Wu, Zheng Lin, Jingzi Gu, Weiping Wang

Model inversion (MI) attack reconstructs the private training data of a target model given its output, posing a significant threat to deep learning models and data privacy. On one hand, most of existing MI methods focus on searching for latent codes to represent the target identity, yet this iterative optimization-based scheme consumes a huge number of queries to the target model, making it unrealistic especially in black-box scenario. On the other hand, some training-based methods launch an attack through a single forward inference, whereas failing to directly learn high-level mappings from prediction vectors to images. Addressing these limitations, we propose a novel Prediction-to-Image (P2I) method for black-box MI attack. Specifically, we introduce the Prediction Alignment Encoder to map the target model’s output prediction into the latent code of StyleGAN. In this way, prediction vector space can be well aligned with the more disentangled latent space, thus establishing a connection between prediction vectors and the semantic facial features. During the attack phase, we further design the Aligned Ensemble Attack scheme to integrate complementary facial attributes of target identity for better reconstruction. Experimental results show that our method outperforms other SOTAs, e.g.,compared with RLB-MI, our method improves attack accuracy by 8.5% and reduces query numbers by 99% on dataset CelebA.

模型反演(MI)攻击通过给定目标模型的输出重构其私有训练数据,对深度学习和数据隐私构成重大威胁。一方面,大多数现有的MI方法专注于搜索代表目标身份的潜在代码,但这种基于迭代优化的方案需要向目标模型发出大量查询,尤其在黑箱场景中,这使得它变得不切实际。另一方面,一些基于训练的方法通过一次正向推理发起攻击,然而,它们无法直接从预测向量学习高级映射到图像。为了解决这些限制,我们提出了一种用于黑箱MI攻击的新型Prediction-to-Image(P2I)方法。具体来说,我们引入了预测对齐编码器,将目标模型的输出预测映射到StyleGAN的潜在代码中。通过这种方式,预测向量空间可以与更分离的潜在空间进行良好对齐,从而在预测向量和语义面部特征之间建立联系。在攻击阶段,我们进一步设计了Aligned Ensemble Attack方案,以整合目标身份的互补面部特征,以实现更好的重建。实验结果表明,我们的方法优于其他最新技术,例如在CelebA数据集上,与RLB-MI相比,我们的方法提高了8.5%的攻击准确率,并将查询数量减少了99%。


PDF Accepted by ECCV 2024


Key Takeaways

  1. 模型反转攻击能够重构目标模型的私有训练数据,对深度学习和数据隐私构成威胁。
  2. 现有模型反转方法大多侧重于搜索代表目标身份的潜在代码,但这种方法需要大量查询目标模型,使其在实际应用中不切实际。
  3. 一些基于训练的方法通过单次前向推理发起攻击,但无法直接从预测向量学习高级映射到图像。
  4. 提出了一种新型的预测至图像(P2I)方法进行黑箱模型反转攻击。
  5. P2I方法引入预测对齐编码器,将模型输出预测映射到StyleGAN的潜在代码。
  6. 预测向量空间与更易于区分的潜在空间的对齐,有助于建立预测向量和语义特征之间的联系。

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文章作者: Kedreamix
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