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2024-12-26 更新
Extracting triples from dialogues for conversational social agents
Authors:Piek Vossen, Selene Báez Santamaría, Lenka Bajčetić, Thomas Belluci
Obtaining an explicit understanding of communication within a Hybrid Intelligence collaboration is essential to create controllable and transparent agents. In this paper, we describe a number of Natural Language Understanding models that extract explicit symbolic triples from social conversation. Triple extraction has mostly been developed and tested for Knowledge Base Completion using Wikipedia text and data for training and testing. However, social conversation is very different as a genre in which interlocutors exchange information in sequences of utterances that involve statements, questions, and answers. Phenomena such as co-reference, ellipsis, coordination, and implicit and explicit negation or confirmation are more prominent in conversation than in Wikipedia text. We therefore describe an attempt to fill this gap by releasing data sets for training and testing triple extraction from social conversation. We also created five triple extraction models and tested them in our evaluation data. The highest precision is 51.14 for complete triples and 69.32 for triple elements when tested on single utterances. However, scores for conversational triples that span multiple turns are much lower, showing that extracting knowledge from true conversational data is much more challenging.
Key Takeaways
- 混合智能协作中理解沟通的重要性。
- 自然语言理解模型能够从社会对话中提取明确象征性三元组。
- 三元组提取在对话中的应用面临挑战,如对话连贯性、言外之意等。
- 数据集发布以供训练和测试三元组提取。
- 单轮对话中的三元组提取最高精度为51.14%,元素精度为69.32%。
- 多轮对话中的三元组提取难度更大。

CosForce: A Force-Based General Model Considering Pedestrian Anticipation and Reaction Mechanisms
Authors:Jinghui Wang, Wei Lv
In this study, a force-based general model, named the CosForce model, has been developed. To the best of our knowledge, this may represent the most simplified version of the force-based model. Considering the anisotropic interplay of pedestrians, the model focuses on binary interactions rather than metric-based interactions. Specifically, cosine functions are employed to describe the asymmetric interactions between the focal pedestrian and their nearest neighbor, implicitly simulating anticipation and reaction mechanisms. In addition to numerical calibration in basic scenarios, the simulation primarily focuses on two intriguing crowd phenomena: “phase separation” and the “catfish effect”. Speed related metrics are introduced to quantitatively analyze self-organizing phenomena, and the “catfish effect” is examined from the perspective of momentum assessment. Many of the results require further exploration, particularly with support from empirical data. This study provides a new perspective on pedestrian modeling: the dynamics among pedestrians can be simplified as binary interactions.
PDF 17 pages, 14 figures
Key Takeaways
- 研究开发了名为CosForce模型的基于力量的通用模型。
- 此模型是迄今为止最简化的力量模型之一。
- 模型主要关注行人之间的二元交互作用,而非基于度量的交互。
- 利用余弦函数描述目标行人与最近邻行人之间的不对称交互。
- 仿真研究聚焦于“相分离”和“鲶鱼效应”两种群体现象。
- 从动量评估的角度探讨了“鲶鱼效应”。

Flow Matching for Optimal Reaction Coordinates of Biomolecular System
Authors:Mingyuan Zhang, Zhicheng Zhang, Hao Wu, Yong Wang
We present flow matching for reaction coordinates (FMRC), a novel deep learning algorithm designed to identify optimal reaction coordinates (RC) in biomolecular reversible dynamics. FMRC is based on the mathematical principles of lumpability and decomposability, which we reformulate into a conditional probability framework for efficient data-driven optimization using deep generative models. While FMRC does not explicitly learn the well-established transfer operator or its eigenfunctions, it can effectively encode the dynamics of leading eigenfunctions of the system transfer operator into its low-dimensional RC space. We further quantitatively compare its performance with several state-of-the-art algorithms by evaluating the quality of Markov state models (MSM) constructed in their respective RC spaces, demonstrating the superiority of FMRC in three increasingly complex biomolecular systems. In addition, we successfully demonstrated the efficacy of FMRC for bias deposition in the enhanced sampling of a simple model system. Finally, we discuss its potential applications in downstream applications such as enhanced sampling methods and MSM construction.
PDF For Supporting Information, please see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jctc.4c01139
Key Takeaways
- FMRC是一种用于识别生物分子可逆动力学中的最佳反应坐标(RC)的深度学习算法。
- FMRC基于集合性和可分性的数学原理,构建了一个条件概率框架。
- FMRC能有效编码系统转移算子的主导特征函数的动态信息到低维的反应坐标空间中。
- 通过与多种算法的定量比较,证实了FMRC在复杂生物分子系统中的优越性。
- FMRC在简单模型系统的增强采样中实现了有效的偏差沉积。
- FMRC在下游应用如增强采样方法和马尔可夫状态模型构建中具有潜在应用价值。