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2025-01-16 更新
Generating and Detecting Various Types of Fake Image and Audio Content: A Review of Modern Deep Learning Technologies and Tools
Authors:Arash Dehghani, Hossein Saberi
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in deepfake generation and detection, focusing on modern deep learning technologies and tools based on the latest scientific advancements. The rise of deepfakes, leveraging techniques like Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Diffusion models and other generative models, presents significant threats to privacy, security, and democracy. This fake media can deceive individuals, discredit real people and organizations, facilitate blackmail, and even threaten the integrity of legal, political, and social systems. Therefore, finding appropriate solutions to counter the potential threats posed by this technology is essential. We explore various deepfake methods, including face swapping, voice conversion, reenactment and lip synchronization, highlighting their applications in both benign and malicious contexts. The review critically examines the ongoing “arms race” between deepfake generation and detection, analyzing the challenges in identifying manipulated contents. By examining current methods and highlighting future research directions, this paper contributes to a crucial understanding of this rapidly evolving field and the urgent need for robust detection strategies to counter the misuse of this powerful technology. While focusing primarily on audio, image, and video domains, this study allows the reader to easily grasp the latest advancements in deepfake generation and detection.
Key Takeaways
- 深度伪造技术已经利用最新的科学进步快速发展,包括使用变分自编码器(VAEs)和生成对抗网络(GANs)。
- 深度伪造技术存在重大威胁,可能侵犯隐私、破坏安全并影响民主制度。
- 深度伪造技术包括换脸、语音转换、再现和唇部同步等,具有在多个领域应用的潜力,包括恶意用途。
- 当前存在识别操纵内容的挑战,这体现了一个“军备竞赛”的状况,需要在未来进行更深入的研究。
- 深度伪造生成与检测领域的最新进展在音频、图像和视频领域都有涉及。
- 对深度伪造技术的滥用需要制定有效的检测策略来应对。