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2025-01-17 更新
IDEA: Image Description Enhanced CLIP-Adapter
Authors:Zhipeng Ye, Feng Jiang, Qiufeng Wang, Kaizhu Huang, Jiaqi Huang
CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) has attained great success in pattern recognition and computer vision. Transferring CLIP to downstream tasks (e.g. zero- or few-shot classification) is a hot topic in multimodal learning. However, current studies primarily focus on either prompt learning for text or adapter tuning for vision, without fully exploiting the complementary information and correlations among image-text pairs. In this paper, we propose an Image Description Enhanced CLIP-Adapter (IDEA) method to adapt CLIP to few-shot image classification tasks. This method captures fine-grained features by leveraging both visual features and textual descriptions of images. IDEA is a training-free method for CLIP, and it can be comparable to or even exceeds state-of-the-art models on multiple tasks. Furthermore, we introduce Trainable-IDEA (T-IDEA), which extends IDEA by adding two lightweight learnable components (i.e., a projector and a learnable latent space), further enhancing the model’s performance and achieving SOTA results on 11 datasets. As one important contribution, we employ the Llama model and design a comprehensive pipeline to generate textual descriptions for images of 11 datasets, resulting in a total of 1,637,795 image-text pairs, named “IMD-11”. Our code and data are released at https://github.com/FourierAI/IDEA.
Key Takeaways
- CLIP模型在多模态学习中的研究主要集中在图像分类任务上。
- 当前研究在CLIP模型的迁移应用中,主要关注文本提示学习或视觉适配器调整,未能充分利用图像与文本之间的互补信息和关联。
- IDEA方法通过结合视觉特征和图像文本描述,用于适应少样本图像分类任务,实现了良好的性能。
- IDEA是一种无训练方法,可在多个任务上与最新模型相比或超越它们。
- Trainable-IDEA(T-IDEA)通过添加两个轻量级可学习组件来进一步增强模型性能。
- 该研究使用Llama模型生成了全面的图像文本描述流程和数据集,名为“IMD-11”。
MIAFEx: An Attention-based Feature Extraction Method for Medical Image Classification
Authors:Oscar Ramos-Soto, Jorge Ramos-Frutos, Ezequiel Perez-Zarate, Diego Oliva, Sandra E. Balderas-Mata
Feature extraction techniques are crucial in medical image classification; however, classical feature extractors in addition to traditional machine learning classifiers often exhibit significant limitations in providing sufficient discriminative information for complex image sets. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformer (ViT) have shown promise in feature extraction, they are prone to overfitting due to the inherent characteristics of medical imaging data, including small sample sizes or high intra-class variance. In this work, the Medical Image Attention-based Feature Extractor (MIAFEx) is proposed, a novel method that employs a learnable refinement mechanism to enhance the classification token within the Transformer encoder architecture. This mechanism adjusts the token based on learned weights, improving the extraction of salient features and enhancing the model’s adaptability to the challenges presented by medical imaging data. The MIAFEx output features quality is compared against classical feature extractors using traditional and hybrid classifiers. Also, the performance of these features is compared against modern CNN and ViT models in classification tasks, demonstrating its superiority in accuracy and robustness across multiple complex classification medical imaging datasets. This advantage is particularly pronounced in scenarios with limited training data, where traditional and modern models often struggle to generalize effectively. The source code of this proposal can be found at https://github.com/Oscar-RamosS/Medical-Image-Attention-based-Feature-Extractor-MIAFEx
PDF In preparation for Journal Submission
Key Takeaways
- 医疗图像分类中特征提取的重要性及其对传统特征提取器和机器学习分类器的挑战。
- CNN和ViT在医疗图像数据上的潜力,但存在过拟合问题。
- 新提出的MIAEx模型采用注意力机制,通过可学习的细化机制增强特征提取能力。
- MIAEx模型在多个医疗图像分类数据集上表现出优异的性能和准确性。
6.MIAEx模型的源代码可公开获取,便于进一步研究和应用。 - 该方法通过结合注意力机制和现代深度学习技术,为医疗图像分析领域提供了新的解决方案。