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2025-01-18 更新

Knowledge Distillation for Image Restoration : Simultaneous Learning from Degraded and Clean Images

Authors:Yongheng Zhang, Danfeng Yan

Model compression through knowledge distillation has seen extensive application in classification and segmentation tasks. However, its potential in image-to-image translation, particularly in image restoration, remains underexplored. To address this gap, we propose a Simultaneous Learning Knowledge Distillation (SLKD) framework tailored for model compression in image restoration tasks. SLKD employs a dual-teacher, single-student architecture with two distinct learning strategies: Degradation Removal Learning (DRL) and Image Reconstruction Learning (IRL), simultaneously. In DRL, the student encoder learns from Teacher A to focus on removing degradation factors, guided by a novel BRISQUE extractor. In IRL, the student decoder learns from Teacher B to reconstruct clean images, with the assistance of a proposed PIQE extractor. These strategies enable the student to learn from degraded and clean images simultaneously, ensuring high-quality compression of image restoration models. Experimental results across five datasets and three tasks demonstrate that SLKD achieves substantial reductions in FLOPs and parameters, exceeding 80%, while maintaining strong image restoration performance.



PDF Accepted by ICASSP2025



Key Takeaways

  1. 知识蒸馏在图像恢复领域的模型压缩应用尚待探索。
  2. 提出SLKD框架,专为图像恢复任务的模型压缩设计。
  3. 采用双教师、单学生的架构。
  4. 引入两种学习策略:DRL和IRL。
  5. 学生编码器从教师A学习去除退化因素,受BRISQUE提取器引导。
  6. 学生解码器从教师B学习重建清晰图像,借助PIQE提取器。

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