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2025-01-25 更新

Generating Realistic Forehead-Creases for User Verification via Conditioned Piecewise Polynomial Curves

Authors:Abhishek Tandon, Geetanjali Sharma, Gaurav Jaswal, Aditya Nigam, Raghavendra Ramachandra

We propose a trait-specific image generation method that models forehead creases geometrically using B-spline and B'ezier curves. This approach ensures the realistic generation of both principal creases and non-prominent crease patterns, effectively constructing detailed and authentic forehead-crease images. These geometrically rendered images serve as visual prompts for a diffusion-based Edge-to-Image translation model, which generates corresponding mated samples. The resulting novel synthetic identities are then used to train a forehead-crease verification network. To enhance intra-subject diversity in the generated samples, we employ two strategies: (a) perturbing the control points of B-splines under defined constraints to maintain label consistency, and (b) applying image-level augmentations to the geometric visual prompts, such as dropout and elastic transformations, specifically tailored to crease patterns. By integrating the proposed synthetic dataset with real-world data, our method significantly improves the performance of forehead-crease verification systems under a cross-database verification protocol.



PDF Accepted at WACV-W 2025



Key Takeaways

  1. 提出了一种特质图像生成方法,专注于前额皱纹的几何建模。
  2. 使用B样条和Bezier曲线生成真实的前额皱纹图像。
  3. 结合扩散式Edge-to-Image翻译模型,生成匹配样本。
  4. 训练前额皱纹验证网络使用合成数据。
  5. 通过扰动B样条控制点和应用图像级增强来提高样本多样性。
  6. 针对皱纹模式定制特定的图像增强策略。

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文章作者: Kedreamix
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