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2025-01-30 更新
Slow Manifolds for PDE with Fast Reactions and Small Cross Diffusion
Authors:Laurent Desvillettes, Christian Kuehn, Jan-Eric Sulzbach, Bao Quoc Tang, Bao-Ngoc Tran
Multiple time scales problems are investigated by combining geometrical and analytical approaches. More precisely, for fast-slow reaction-diffusion systems, we first prove the existence of slow manifolds for the abstract problem under the assumption that cross diffusion is small. This is done by extending the Fenichel theory to an infinite dimensional setting, where a main idea is to introduce a suitable space splitting corresponding to a small parameter, which controls additional fast contributions of the slow variable. These results require a strong convergence in $L^\infty(0,T;H^2(\Omega))$, which is the subtle analytical issue in fast reaction problems in comparison to previous works. By considering a nonlinear fast reversible reaction in one dimension, we successfully prove this convergence and therefore obtain the slow manifold for a PDE with fast reactions. Moreover, the obtained convergence also shows the influence of the cross diffusion term and illuminates the role of the initial layer. Explicit approximations of the slow manifold are also carried out in the case of linear systems.
Key Takeaways
- 几何和分析方法被结合来解决快慢反应扩散系统的问题。
- 在小交叉扩散的假设下,证明了抽象问题的慢流形存在性。
- 通过扩展芬切尔理论到无限维环境,成功处理了慢流形的证明。
- 在偏微分方程中,证明了收敛性对于理解快速反应问题至关重要。
- 收敛性的证明揭示了交叉扩散项的影响以及初始层的作用。
- 对一维非线性快速可逆反应的成功处理对于理解收敛性具有重要性。