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2025-01-30 更新

AxBench: Steering LLMs? Even Simple Baselines Outperform Sparse Autoencoders

Authors:Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Atticus Geiger, Zheng Wang, Jing Huang, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts

Fine-grained steering of language model outputs is essential for safety and reliability. Prompting and finetuning are widely used to achieve these goals, but interpretability researchers have proposed a variety of representation-based techniques as well, including sparse autoencoders (SAEs), linear artificial tomography, supervised steering vectors, linear probes, and representation finetuning. At present, there is no benchmark for making direct comparisons between these proposals. Therefore, we introduce AxBench, a large-scale benchmark for steering and concept detection, and report experiments on Gemma-2-2B and 9B. For steering, we find that prompting outperforms all existing methods, followed by finetuning. For concept detection, representation-based methods such as difference-in-means, perform the best. On both evaluations, SAEs are not competitive. We introduce a novel weakly-supervised representational method (Rank-1 Representation Finetuning; ReFT-r1), which is competitive on both tasks while providing the interpretability advantages that prompting lacks. Along with AxBench, we train and publicly release SAE-scale feature dictionaries for ReFT-r1 and DiffMean.






Key Takeaways

  1. 语言模型输出的精细控制对于安全和可靠性至关重要。
  2. 现有技术包括提示、微调以及基于表示的稀疏自编码器等技术。
  3. 缺乏直接比较这些技术的基准测试。
  4. 引入新的大规模基准测试AxBench用于控制和概念检测。
  5. 在控制方面,提示效果最好,微调次之。
  6. 在概念检测方面,基于差异均值的方法表现最佳。

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FactCG: Enhancing Fact Checkers with Graph-Based Multi-Hop Data

Authors:Deren Lei, Yaxi Li, Siyao Li, Mengya Hu, Rui Xu, Ken Archer, Mingyu Wang, Emily Ching, Alex Deng

Prior research on training grounded factuality classification models to detect hallucinations in large language models (LLMs) has relied on public natural language inference (NLI) data and synthetic data. However, conventional NLI datasets are not well-suited for document-level reasoning, which is critical for detecting LLM hallucinations. Recent approaches to document-level synthetic data generation involve iteratively removing sentences from documents and annotating factuality using LLM-based prompts. While effective, this method is computationally expensive for long documents and limited by the LLM’s capabilities. In this work, we analyze the differences between existing synthetic training data used in state-of-the-art models and real LLM output claims. Based on our findings, we propose a novel approach for synthetic data generation, CG2C, that leverages multi-hop reasoning on context graphs extracted from documents. Our fact checker model, FactCG, demonstrates improved performance with more connected reasoning, using the same backbone models. Experiments show it even outperforms GPT-4-o on the LLM-Aggrefact benchmark with much smaller model size.






Key Takeaways

  1. 现有方法依赖公共NLI数据和合成数据来训练检测LLM虚构信息的模型,但传统NLI数据集不适用于文档级推理。
  2. 文档级合成数据生成的新方法CG2C利用从文档中提取的上下文图进行多跳推理。
  3. CG2C方法在计算上对于长文档更为高效,并且克服了LLM能力的限制。
  4. FactCG模型使用CG2C生成的数据进行训练,展示了更好的性能,尤其在连接推理方面。
  5. 实验结果显示,FactCG模型在小模型大小的情况下,在LLM-Aggrefact基准测试上的表现优于GPT-4。
  6. 此研究强调了合成数据在训练检测LLM虚构信息的模型中的重要性。

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ASTRAL: Automated Safety Testing of Large Language Models

Authors:Miriam Ugarte, Pablo Valle, José Antonio Parejo, Sergio Segura, Aitor Arrieta

Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently gained attention due to their ability to understand and generate sophisticated human-like content. However, ensuring their safety is paramount as they might provide harmful and unsafe responses. Existing LLM testing frameworks address various safety-related concerns (e.g., drugs, terrorism, animal abuse) but often face challenges due to unbalanced and obsolete datasets. In this paper, we present ASTRAL, a tool that automates the generation and execution of test cases (i.e., prompts) for testing the safety of LLMs. First, we introduce a novel black-box coverage criterion to generate balanced and diverse unsafe test inputs across a diverse set of safety categories as well as linguistic writing characteristics (i.e., different style and persuasive writing techniques). Second, we propose an LLM-based approach that leverages Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), few-shot prompting strategies and web browsing to generate up-to-date test inputs. Lastly, similar to current LLM test automation techniques, we leverage LLMs as test oracles to distinguish between safe and unsafe test outputs, allowing a fully automated testing approach. We conduct an extensive evaluation on well-known LLMs, revealing the following key findings: i) GPT3.5 outperforms other LLMs when acting as the test oracle, accurately detecting unsafe responses, and even surpassing more recent LLMs (e.g., GPT-4), as well as LLMs that are specifically tailored to detect unsafe LLM outputs (e.g., LlamaGuard); ii) the results confirm that our approach can uncover nearly twice as many unsafe LLM behaviors with the same number of test inputs compared to currently used static datasets; and iii) our black-box coverage criterion combined with web browsing can effectively guide the LLM on generating up-to-date unsafe test inputs, significantly increasing the number of unsafe LLM behaviors.






Key Takeaways

  1. LLMs需要测试其安全性,因为可能会产生有害和不安全的回应。
  2. 现有LLM测试框架面临数据集不平衡和过时的挑战。
  3. ASTRAL工具通过自动生成并执行测试用例来测试LLM的安全性。
  4. ASTRAL使用新型黑盒覆盖标准来生成平衡和多样化的不安全测试输入。
  5. 结合LLM和检索增强生成(RAG)技术来生成最新测试输入。
  6. GPT3.5作为测试裁判表现最佳,能准确检测不安全回应。

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TAID: Temporally Adaptive Interpolated Distillation for Efficient Knowledge Transfer in Language Models

Authors:Makoto Shing, Kou Misaki, Han Bao, Sho Yokoi, Takuya Akiba

Causal language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities, but their size poses significant challenges for deployment in resource-constrained environments. Knowledge distillation, a widely-used technique for transferring knowledge from a large teacher model to a small student model, presents a promising approach for model compression. A significant remaining issue lies in the major differences between teacher and student models, namely the substantial capacity gap, mode averaging, and mode collapse, which pose barriers during distillation. To address these issues, we introduce $\textit{Temporally Adaptive Interpolated Distillation (TAID)}$, a novel knowledge distillation approach that dynamically interpolates student and teacher distributions through an adaptive intermediate distribution, gradually shifting from the student’s initial distribution towards the teacher’s distribution. We provide a theoretical analysis demonstrating TAID’s ability to prevent mode collapse and empirically show its effectiveness in addressing the capacity gap while balancing mode averaging and mode collapse. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate TAID’s superior performance across various model sizes and architectures in both instruction tuning and pre-training scenarios. Furthermore, we showcase TAID’s practical impact by developing two state-of-the-art compact foundation models: $\texttt{TAID-LLM-1.5B}$ for language tasks and $\texttt{TAID-VLM-2B}$ for vision-language tasks. These results demonstrate TAID’s effectiveness in creating high-performing and efficient models, advancing the development of more accessible AI technologies.






Key Takeaways

  1. 因果语言模型具有显著能力,但在资源受限环境中部署存在挑战。
  2. 知识蒸馏是一种有效的模型压缩技术,但教师模型和学生模型之间的差异仍是挑战。
  3. TAID是一种新型知识蒸馏方法,通过动态插值学生和教师的分布来解决这些问题。
  4. TAID能有效解决容量差距问题,并平衡模式平均和模式崩溃。
  5. 实验证明TAID在各种模型和架构大小中的优异性能。
  6. TAID技术应用于构建两款先进的小型基础模型,展示了其在高效模型创建方面的潜力。

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Coupling without Communication and Drafter-Invariant Speculative Decoding

Authors:Majid Daliri, Christopher Musco, Ananda Theertha Suresh

Suppose Alice has a distribution $P$ and Bob has a distribution $Q$. Alice wants to draw a sample $a\sim P$ and Bob a sample $b \sim Q$ such that $a = b$ with as high of probability as possible. It is well-known that, by sampling from an optimal coupling between the distributions, Alice and Bob can achieve $\Pr[a = b] = 1 - D_{TV}(P,Q)$, where $D_{TV}(P,Q)$ is the total variation distance between $P$ and $Q$. What if Alice and Bob must solve this same problem \emph{without communicating at all?} Perhaps surprisingly, with access to public randomness, they can still achieve $\Pr[a = b] \geq \frac{1 - D_{TV}(P,Q)}{1 + D_{TV}(P,Q)} \geq 1-2D_{TV}(P,Q)$ using a simple protocol based on the Weighted MinHash algorithm. This bound was shown to be optimal in the worst-case by [Bavarian et al., 2020]. In this work, we revisit the communication-free coupling problem. We provide a simpler proof of the optimality result from [Bavarian et al., 2020]. We show that, while the worst-case success probability of Weighted MinHash cannot be improved, an equally simple protocol based on Gumbel sampling offers a Pareto improvement: for every pair of distributions $P, Q$, Gumbel sampling achieves an equal or higher value of $\Pr[a = b]$ than Weighted MinHash. Importantly, this improvement translates to practice. We demonstrate an application of communication-free coupling to \emph{speculative decoding}, a recent method for accelerating autoregressive large language models [Leviathan, Kalman, Matias, ICML 2023]. We show that communication-free protocols can be used to contruct \emph{\CSD{}} schemes, which have the desirable property that their output is fixed given a fixed random seed, regardless of what drafter is used for speculation. In experiments on a language generation task, Gumbel sampling outperforms Weighted MinHash. Code is available at https://github.com/majid-daliri/DISD.

假设Alice有一个分布P,Bob有一个分布Q。Alice想要从分布P中抽取一个样本a,Bob想要从分布Q中抽取一个样本b,使得a和b尽可能大概率地相等。众所周知,通过从两个分布之间的最优耦合中进行抽样,Alice和Bob可以达到$\Pr[a = b] = 1 - D_{TV}(P,Q)$,其中$D_{TV}(P,Q)$是P和Q之间的总变化距离。如果Alice和Bob必须完全不进行任何沟通来解决这个问题会怎样呢?令人惊讶的是,通过利用公共随机性,他们仍然可以使用基于Weighted MinHash算法的简单协议达到$\Pr[a = b] \geq \frac{1 - D_{TV}(P,Q)}{1 + D_{TV}(P,Q)} \geq 1-2D_{TV}(P,Q)$的概率。这一界限在糟糕的情况下被证明是最优的,由Bavarian等人于2020年证明。在这项工作中,我们重新审视无通信耦合问题。我们提供了来自Bavarian等人于2020年的最优结果的更简单的证明。我们表明,虽然基于Weighted MinHash的最坏情况下的成功率无法改进,但基于Gumbel采样的同样简单的协议提供了一个帕累托改进:对于每一对分布P和Q,Gumbel采样实现等于或高于Weighted MinHash的$\Pr[a = b]$值。重要的是,这一改进适用于实践。我们展示了无通信耦合在“投机解码”中的应用,这是一种用于加速自回归大型语言模型的最新方法(Leviathan、Kalman、Matias于ICML 2023提出)。我们展示了无通信协议可用于构建CSD方案,这些方案具有这样的优点:它们的输出在给定的随机种子固定的情况下是固定的,无论使用哪种投机者进行推测。在语言生成任务的实验中,Gumbel采样表现出优于Weighted MinHash的效果。相关代码可以在https://github.com/majid-daliri/DISD找到。


PDF 18 pages



Key Takeaways

  1. Alice和Bob可以在不通信的情况下通过采样协议实现高概率的样本匹配。
  2. 基于加权MinHash的简单协议可实现此目标,但存在最优情况的最坏结果。
  3. Gumbel采样作为一种替代协议,在每种情况下都提供了至少与加权MinHash相同的成功概率,且在实践中表现更佳。
  4. 无通信耦合可用于加速大型语言模型的推测解码应用。
  5. 通过实验验证,Gumbel采样在实际语言生成任务中表现优于加权MinHash。
  6. 该研究的代码已公开可用。

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