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2025-01-31 更新
Transformer-Based Auxiliary Loss for Face Recognition Across Age Variations
Authors:Pritesh Prakash, Ashish Jacob Sam, S Umamaheswaran
Aging presents a significant challenge in face recognition, as changes in skin texture and tone can alter facial features over time, making it particularly difficult to compare images of the same individual taken years apart, such as in long-term identification scenarios. Transformer networks have the strength to preserve sequential spatial relationships caused by aging effect. This paper presents a technique for loss evaluation that uses a transformer network as an additive loss in the face recognition domain. The standard metric loss function typically takes the final embedding of the main CNN backbone as its input. Here, we employ a transformer-metric loss, a combined approach that integrates both transformer-loss and metric-loss. This research intends to analyze the transformer behavior on the convolution output when the CNN outcome is arranged in a sequential vector. These sequential vectors have the potential to overcome the texture or regional structure referred to as wrinkles or sagging skin affected by aging. The transformer encoder takes input from the contextual vectors obtained from the final convolution layer of the network. The learned features can be more age-invariant, complementing the discriminative power of the standard metric loss embedding. With this technique, we use transformer loss with various base metric-loss functions to evaluate the effect of the combined loss functions. We observe that such a configuration allows the network to achieve SoTA results in LFW and age-variant datasets (CA-LFW and AgeDB). This research expands the role of transformers in the machine vision domain and opens new possibilities for exploring transformers as a loss function.
PDF Face Recognition for Age-variant Datasets
Key Takeaways
- 年龄增长对面部识别带来挑战,皮肤纹理和色调的变化会改变面部特征。
- Transformer网络有能力保持由老化引起的序列空间关系。
- 该研究提出了结合Transformer损失和度量损失的混合方法,以应对老化对面部识别的影响。
- Transformer网络处理CNN输出的卷积序列向量,有助于克服老化引起的皱纹和皮肤松弛等面部纹理问题。
- 这种方法使得网络在LFW和年龄变化的数据集(CA-LFW和AgeDB)上取得了最先进的识别结果。
- 此研究扩展了Transformer在机器视觉领域的应用,并开启了探索其作为损失函数的新可能性。