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2025-02-01 更新

Leveraging LLM Agents for Automated Optimization Modeling for SASP Problems: A Graph-RAG based Approach

Authors:Tianpeng Pan, Wenqiang Pu, Licheng Zhao, Rui Zhou

Automated optimization modeling (AOM) has evoked considerable interest with the rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs). Existing approaches predominantly rely on prompt engineering, utilizing meticulously designed expert response chains or structured guidance. However, prompt-based techniques have failed to perform well in the sensor array signal processing (SASP) area due the lack of specific domain knowledge. To address this issue, we propose an automated modeling approach based on retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technique, which consists of two principal components: a multi-agent (MA) structure and a graph-based RAG (Graph-RAG) process. The MA structure is tailored for the architectural AOM process, with each agent being designed based on principles of human modeling procedure. The Graph-RAG process serves to match user query with specific SASP modeling knowledge, thereby enhancing the modeling result. Results on ten classical signal processing problems demonstrate that the proposed approach (termed as MAG-RAG) outperforms several AOM benchmarks.





Key Takeaways

  • AOM在大语言模型领域受到广泛关注。
  • 当前方法主要依赖提示工程,但在传感器阵列信号处理领域表现不佳。
  • 提出了一种基于检索增强生成技术的自动化建模方法来解决此问题。
  • 该方法包括两个主要组成部分:多智能体结构和基于图的RAG过程。
  • 多智能体结构针对架构AOM过程进行定制,每个智能体基于人类建模原理设计。
  • 基于图的RAG过程旨在匹配用户查询与特定的传感器阵列信号处理建模知识。

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RepoAudit: An Autonomous LLM-Agent for Repository-Level Code Auditing

Authors:Jinyao Guo, Chengpeng Wang, Xiangzhe Xu, Zian Su, Xiangyu Zhang

Code auditing is a code review process with the goal of finding bugs. Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown substantial potential in this task, offering the ability to analyze programs without compilation and enabling customized bug detection following specified prompts. However, applying LLMs to repository-level code auditing presents notable challenges. The inherent context limits and hallucinations of LLMs can lead to the low quality of bug reports. Meanwhile, the large size of software repositories introduces substantial time and token costs, hindering efficiency and scalability in real-world scenarios. This work introduces an autonomous LLM-agent, RepoAudit, designed to enable precise and efficient repository-level code auditing. Equipped with the agent memory, RepoAudit explores the code repository on demand, analyzing data-flow facts along different feasible program paths in individual functions. It also introduces the validator to check the data-flow facts for hallucination mitigation and examine the satisfiability of path conditions of potential buggy paths, which enables RepoAudit to discard false positives in the code auditing. Our experiment shows that RepoAudit powered by Claude 3.5 Sonnet successfully finds 38 true bugs in 15 real-world systems, consuming 0.44 hours and $2.54 per project on average.


这项工作引入了一种自主LLM代理RepoAudit,旨在实现精确高效的仓库级别代码审计。配备有代理内存,RepoAudit按需探索代码仓库,分析单个函数中不同可行程序路径的数据流事实。它还引入了验证器,以减少幻觉并检查数据流事实,并检查潜在错误路径的路径条件的可满足性,这使得RepoAudit能够在代码审计中剔除误报。我们的实验表明,由Claude 3.5 Sonnet驱动的RepoAudit成功在15个真实系统中找到了38个真实错误,平均每个项目耗时0.44小时,花费2.54美元。


PDF 19 pages, 8 tables, 5 figures, 3 listings


代码审计旨在发现错误,大型语言模型(LLM)在此任务中显示出巨大潜力,可分析程序而不进行编译,并根据特定提示进行自定义错误检测。然而,将LLM应用于仓库级代码审计存在挑战。LLM的固有上下文限制和幻觉可能导致错误报告质量低下。同时,软件仓库的大规模增加了时间和令牌成本,阻碍了现实世界场景中的效率和可扩展性。本研究引入了一种自主LLM代理RepoAudit,旨在实现精确有效的仓库级代码审计。RepoAudit配备了代理内存,可按需探索代码仓库,分析单个函数中不同可行程序路径的数据流事实。它还引入了验证器,以减少幻觉并检查数据流事实,并检查潜在错误路径的条件可满足性,这使RepoAudit能够在代码审计中剔除误报。实验表明,由Claude 3.5 Sonnet驱动的RepoAudit成功在15个真实系统中找到38个真实错误,平均每个项目消耗0.44小时和2.54美元。

Key Takeaways

  1. 代码审计的目标是为了发现错误。
  2. 大型语言模型(LLM)在代码审计任务中具有巨大潜力。
  3. LLM在应用于仓库级代码审计时面临挑战,如上下文限制和幻觉问题。
  4. RepoAudit是一个自主LLM代理,可实现精确有效的仓库级代码审计。
  5. RepoAudit配备了代理内存,可按需探索代码仓库,并分析数据流事实。
  6. RepoAudit引入了验证器来减少幻觉并检查数据流事实的可行性。

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B3C: A Minimalist Approach to Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Woojun Kim, Katia Sycara

Overestimation arising from selecting unseen actions during policy evaluation is a major challenge in offline reinforcement learning (RL). A minimalist approach in the single-agent setting – adding behavior cloning (BC) regularization to existing online RL algorithms – has been shown to be effective; however, this approach is understudied in multi-agent settings. In particular, overestimation becomes worse in multi-agent settings due to the presence of multiple actions, resulting in the BC regularization-based approach easily suffering from either over-regularization or critic divergence. To address this, we propose a simple yet effective method, Behavior Cloning regularization with Critic Clipping (B3C), which clips the target critic value in policy evaluation based on the maximum return in the dataset and pushes the limit of the weight on the RL objective over BC regularization, thereby improving performance. Additionally, we leverage existing value factorization techniques, particularly non-linear factorization, which is understudied in offline settings. Integrated with non-linear value factorization, B3C outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on various offline multi-agent benchmarks.






Key Takeaways

  1. 离线强化学习中存在因选择未见动作导致的过度估计挑战。
  2. 在多智能体环境中,基于行为克隆(BC)正则化的方法容易受过度正则化或评论家偏离影响。
  3. 提出了一种新的方法B3C(行为克隆正则化与评论家剪辑),通过剪辑目标评论家值并调整RL目标与BC正则化的权重来解决上述问题。
  4. B3C方法能提高性能,并在多种离线多智能体基准测试中表现优于最新算法。
  5. 非线性价值分解技术在离线多智能体强化学习中潜力巨大,与B3C结合可进一步提高性能。
  6. B3C方法适用于离线强化学习场景,对于实际应用中数据的有限性和不完整性具有较好的适应性。

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An Attentive Graph Agent for Topology-Adaptive Cyber Defence

Authors:Ilya Orson Sandoval, Isaac Symes Thompson, Vasilios Mavroudis, Chris Hicks

As cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated, reinforcement learning (RL) is emerging as a promising technique to create intelligent and adaptive cyber defense systems. However, most existing autonomous defensive agents have overlooked the inherent graph structure of computer networks subject to cyber attacks, potentially missing critical information and constraining their adaptability. To overcome these limitations, we developed a custom version of the Cyber Operations Research Gym (CybORG) environment, encoding network state as a directed graph with realistic low-level features. We employ a Graph Attention Network (GAT) architecture to process node, edge, and global features, and adapt its output to be compatible with policy gradient methods in RL. Our GAT-based approach offers key advantages over flattened alternatives: robust policies capable of handling dynamic network topology changes, generalisation to networks of varying sizes beyond the training distribution, and interpretable defensive actions grounded in tangible network properties. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our low-level directed graph observations by training GAT defensive policies that successfully adapt to changing network topologies. Evaluations across networks of different sizes, but consistent subnetwork structure, show our policies achieve comparable performance to policies trained specifically for each network configuration. Our study contributes to the development of robust cyber defence systems that can better adapt to real-world network security challenges.






Key Takeaways

  1. 强化学习在网络安全防御系统中展现出巨大潜力,尤其是应对日益复杂的网络威胁。
  2. 当前自主防御代理忽视了计算机网络的图形结构,这可能影响防御系统的效能和适应性。
  3. 我们通过CybORG环境开发了一种基于图的方法,该方法能够处理网络状态并识别关键低级特征。
  4. 采用图注意力网络(GAT)架构处理网络中的节点、边和全局特征。
  5. GAT方法具有处理动态网络拓扑更改的能力,并能对不同大小的网络进行概括。
  6. 与平面方法相比,GAT方法提供的防御策略更可解释,基于实际网络属性。

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Beyond Browsing: API-Based Web Agents

Authors:Yueqi Song, Frank Xu, Shuyan Zhou, Graham Neubig

Web browsers are a portal to the internet, where much of human activity is undertaken. Thus, there has been significant research work in AI agents that interact with the internet through web browsing. However, there is also another interface designed specifically for machine interaction with online content: application programming interfaces (APIs). In this paper we ask – what if we were to take tasks traditionally tackled by browsing agents, and give AI agents access to APIs? To do so, we propose two varieties of agents: (1) an API-calling agent that attempts to perform online tasks through APIs only, similar to traditional coding agents, and (2) a Hybrid Agent that can interact with online data through both web browsing and APIs. In experiments on WebArena, a widely-used and realistic benchmark for web navigation tasks, we find that API-based agents outperform web browsing agents. Hybrid Agents out-perform both others nearly uniformly across tasks, resulting in a more than 20.0% absolute improvement over web browsing alone, achieving a success rate of 35.8%, achiving the SOTA performance among task-agnostic agents. These results strongly suggest that when APIs are available, they present an attractive alternative to relying on web browsing alone.



PDF 24 pages, 6 figures



Key Takeaways

  1. 网络浏览器是互联网的主要入口,AI代理与其交互已成为研究热点。
  2. 应用程序编程接口(API)是专为机器与在线内容交互而设计的界面。
  3. 提出两种新型AI代理:API调用代理和混合代理。
  4. API调用代理仅通过API执行在线任务。
  5. 混合代理结合网页浏览和API交互,表现出卓越性能。
  6. 在WebArena基准测试上,基于API的代理表现优于网页浏览代理。
  7. 混合代理统一优于其他代理,成功率达到35.8%,取得最新技术性能。

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