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2025-02-01 更新
The IACOB project XIV. New clues on the location of the TAMS in the massive star domain
Authors:A. de Burgos, S. Simón-Díaz, M. A. Urbaneja, G. Holgado, S. Ekström, M. C. Ramírez-Tannus, E. Zari
Massive stars play a very important role in many astrophysical fields. Yet, some fundamental aspects of their evolution remain poorly constrained. In this regard, there is an open debate on the width of the main-sequence (MS) phase. We aim to create an updated Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram that includes a volume-limited and statistically significant sample of massive stars. Our goal is to use this sample to investigate the extension of the MS, including information about projected rotational velocities ($v\sin i$) and the spectroscopic binary status. We combine spectroscopic parameters derived with FASTWIND stellar atmosphere code and Gaia distances to obtain stellar parameters for 876 Galactic luminous O- and B-type stars gathered within the IACOB project. We use the ${\tt iacob-broad}$ tool to derive $v\sin i$ estimates and multi-epoch spectra to identify single/double-line spectroscopic binaries (SB1/SB2). We present an HR diagram for 670 stars located within 2500pc balancing completeness and number. We evaluate the extension of the MS in terms of the drop in the relative number of stars as a function of effective temperature ($T_{\rm eff}$). We find a consistent boundary at $\approx$22.5kK within the full range of luminosities that we use to delineate the terminal-age main sequence (TAMS). We obtain a smooth decrease of the highest $v\sin i$ with $T_{\rm eff}$ along the MS, likely limited by the critical velocity. We consider this effect combined with a lower expected fraction of stars beyond the MS as the best explanation for the lack of fast-rotating objects in the post-MS region. Our results favor low to mild initial rotation for the full sample and a binary past for the tail of fast-rotating stars. The prominence of SB1/SB2 systems in the MS, and the 25% decrease in the relative fraction of SB1 systems when crossing the TAMS can further delineate its location.
大质量恒星在天文学领域的许多方面都扮演着非常重要的角色。然而,关于它们的演化的一些基本方面仍然不够明确。在这方面,关于主序(MS)阶段的宽度存在公开争论。我们的目标是创建一个更新的包含体积限制和统计学上有意义的大质量恒星样本的赫罗图(HR)。我们的目的是利用这个样本来研究MS的扩展,包括关于投影自转速度($v\sin i$)和光谱双星状态的信息。我们结合使用FASTWIND恒星大气代码派生出的光谱参数和Gaia距离,来获得通过IACOB项目收集的876颗银河系明亮O型和B型恒星的恒星参数。我们使用${\tt iacob-broad}$工具来推导$v\sin i$估计值,并使用多时期光谱来识别单线/双线光谱双星(SB1/SB2)。我们为位于2500pc内的670颗恒星提供了一个平衡完整性和数量的赫罗图。我们根据有效温度($T_{\rm eff}$)下恒星相对数量的下降来评估MS的扩展。我们在所使用的全部亮度范围内发现了一个约22.5kK的一致边界,我们用此来划定终端主序(TAMS)。我们发现最高$v\sin i$随着$T_{\rm eff}$沿MS平稳下降,可能受到临界速度的限制。我们认为这种效应与MS之后的恒星中旋转较快的物体缺乏的最佳解释相结合,加上超出MS的恒星比例较低。我们的结果支持全样本初始旋转较低至温和,以及快速旋转恒星尾部具有二进制过去的观点。在MS中,SB1/SB2系统的突出表现,以及在跨越TAMS时SB1系统相对比例下降25%,可以进一步划定其位置。
PDF 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
Key Takeaways
- 质量恒星在天文物理学领域具有重要作用,但其演化方面的某些基本方面仍不确定。
- 主序阶段延伸的研究是通过更新赫兹普朗-罗素图,并使用大量的恒星观测数据进行的。
- 恒星的旋转速度($v\sin i$)和光谱双星状态被考虑为主序阶段研究的重要因素。
- 主序阶段的边界大约在22.5kK,这一发现是通过平衡完整性和数量,在2500pc内对670颗恒星进行研究得出的。
- 恒星的旋转速度在主序阶段呈现出平滑下降的趋势,这可能受到临界速度的限制。
- 初始旋转和二进制历史对恒星演化有影响,快速旋转的恒星在后期缺乏可能是由于这一原因。