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2025-02-06 更新

CASIM: Composite Aware Semantic Injection for Text to Motion Generation

Authors:Che-Jui Chang, Qingze Tony Liu, Honglu Zhou, Vladimir Pavlovic, Mubbasir Kapadia

Recent advances in generative modeling and tokenization have driven significant progress in text-to-motion generation, leading to enhanced quality and realism in generated motions. However, effectively leveraging textual information for conditional motion generation remains an open challenge. We observe that current approaches, primarily relying on fixed-length text embeddings (e.g., CLIP) for global semantic injection, struggle to capture the composite nature of human motion, resulting in suboptimal motion quality and controllability. To address this limitation, we propose the Composite Aware Semantic Injection Mechanism (CASIM), comprising a composite-aware semantic encoder and a text-motion aligner that learns the dynamic correspondence between text and motion tokens. Notably, CASIM is model and representation-agnostic, readily integrating with both autoregressive and diffusion-based methods. Experiments on HumanML3D and KIT benchmarks demonstrate that CASIM consistently improves motion quality, text-motion alignment, and retrieval scores across state-of-the-art methods. Qualitative analyses further highlight the superiority of our composite-aware approach over fixed-length semantic injection, enabling precise motion control from text prompts and stronger generalization to unseen text inputs.





Key Takeaways

  1. 文本到运动生成领域取得显著进步,得益于生成建模和标记化技术的最新发展。
  2. 利用文本信息进行条件运动生成仍存在挑战。
  3. 当前方法主要依赖固定长度的文本嵌入,难以捕捉人类运动的复合性质。
  4. CASIM机制旨在解决这一问题,通过复合感知语义编码器和文本运动对齐器有效捕捉文本与运动的动态关系。
  5. CASIM具有模型和无表示偏好性,可融入自回归和扩散方法。
  6. 在HumanML3D和KIT基准测试上,CASIM提高了运动质量、文本与运动对齐以及检索得分。

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