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2025-02-11 更新

PoI: Pixel of Interest for Novel View Synthesis Assisted Scene Coordinate Regression

Authors:Feifei Li, Qi Song, Chi Zhang, Hui Shuai, Rui Huang

The task of estimating camera poses can be enhanced through novel view synthesis techniques such as NeRF and Gaussian Splatting to increase the diversity and extension of training data. However, these techniques often produce rendered images with issues like blurring and ghosting, which compromise their reliability. These issues become particularly pronounced for Scene Coordinate Regression (SCR) methods, which estimate 3D coordinates at the pixel level. To mitigate the problems associated with unreliable rendered images, we introduce a novel filtering approach, which selectively extracts well-rendered pixels while discarding the inferior ones. This filter simultaneously measures the SCR model’s real-time reprojection loss and gradient during training. Building on this filtering technique, we also develop a new strategy to improve scene coordinate regression using sparse inputs, drawing on successful applications of sparse input techniques in novel view synthesis. Our experimental results validate the effectiveness of our method, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance on indoor and outdoor datasets.





本文介绍了如何通过NeRF和Gaussian Splatting等新型视图合成技术提高相机姿态估计任务的性能,并增加训练数据的多样性和扩展性。然而,这些技术生成的渲染图像经常出现模糊和重影等问题,影响可靠性。针对场景坐标回归(SCR)方法,本文提出了一种新的过滤方法,该方法能够选择性地提取渲染良好的像素并丢弃质量较差的像素。此过滤器同时测量SCR模型的实时重投影损失和训练过程中的梯度。在此基础上,我们还开发了一种利用稀疏输入改进场景坐标回归的新策略,借鉴了稀疏输入在新型视图合成中的成功应用。实验结果验证了该方法的有效性,在室内和室外数据集上均表现出卓越的性能。

Key Takeaways

  1. 利用NeRF和Gaussian Splatting等新技术提高了相机姿态估计的效果和训练数据的多样性。
  2. 渲染图像存在模糊和重影问题,影响技术可靠性。
  3. 提出了一种新的过滤方法,能够选择性地提取高质量的渲染像素,同时测量场景坐标回归模型的实时重投影损失和梯度。
  4. 开发了利用稀疏输入改进场景坐标回归的策略,借鉴了稀疏输入在视图合成中的成功应用。
  5. 过滤技术和稀疏输入策略的结合提高了方法的有效性。
  6. 实验结果证明了该方法在室内和室外数据集上的卓越性能。

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AniSDF: Fused-Granularity Neural Surfaces with Anisotropic Encoding for High-Fidelity 3D Reconstruction

Authors:Jingnan Gao, Zhuo Chen, Xiaokang Yang, Yichao Yan

Neural radiance fields have recently revolutionized novel-view synthesis and achieved high-fidelity renderings. However, these methods sacrifice the geometry for the rendering quality, limiting their further applications including relighting and deformation. How to synthesize photo-realistic rendering while reconstructing accurate geometry remains an unsolved problem. In this work, we present AniSDF, a novel approach that learns fused-granularity neural surfaces with physics-based encoding for high-fidelity 3D reconstruction. Different from previous neural surfaces, our fused-granularity geometry structure balances the overall structures and fine geometric details, producing accurate geometry reconstruction. To disambiguate geometry from reflective appearance, we introduce blended radiance fields to model diffuse and specularity following the anisotropic spherical Gaussian encoding, a physics-based rendering pipeline. With these designs, AniSDF can reconstruct objects with complex structures and produce high-quality renderings. Furthermore, our method is a unified model that does not require complex hyperparameter tuning for specific objects. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method boosts the quality of SDF-based methods by a great scale in both geometry reconstruction and novel-view synthesis.



PDF Accepted by ICLR2025, Project Page: https://g-1nonly.github.io/AniSDF_Website/



Key Takeaways

  1. NeRF技术已革新了视图合成领域,实现了高保真渲染。
  2. 现有NeRF技术为追求渲染质量牺牲了几何结构,限制了其在其他应用中的使用。
  3. 提出了一种名为AniSDF的新方法,通过融合粒度神经表面重建实现了几何与渲染的平衡。
  4. AniSDF采用物理编码技术,包括混合辐射场和各向异性球面高斯编码来模拟复杂的光照和反射现象。
  5. AniSDF能够重建具有复杂结构的物体并产生高质量渲染结果。
  6. 该方法是统一的模型,无需针对特定物体的复杂超参数调整。

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文章作者: Kedreamix
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