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2025-02-20 更新
Toward a Dialogue System Using a Large Language Model to Recognize User Emotions with a Camera
Authors:Hiroki Tanioka, Tetsushi Ueta, Masahiko Sano
The performance of ChatGPT\copyright{} and other LLMs has improved tremendously, and in online environments, they are increasingly likely to be used in a wide variety of situations, such as ChatBot on web pages, call center operations using voice interaction, and dialogue functions using agents. In the offline environment, multimodal dialogue functions are also being realized, such as guidance by Artificial Intelligence agents (AI agents) using tablet terminals and dialogue systems in the form of LLMs mounted on robots. In this multimodal dialogue, mutual emotion recognition between the AI and the user will become important. So far, there have been methods for expressing emotions on the part of the AI agent or for recognizing them using textual or voice information of the user’s utterances, but methods for AI agents to recognize emotions from the user’s facial expressions have not been studied. In this study, we examined whether or not LLM-based AI agents can interact with users according to their emotional states by capturing the user in dialogue with a camera, recognizing emotions from facial expressions, and adding such emotion information to prompts. The results confirmed that AI agents can have conversations according to the emotional state for emotional states with relatively high scores, such as Happy and Angry.
PDF 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, The 1st InterAI: Interactive AI for Human-Centered Robotics workshop in conjunction with IEEE Ro-MAN 2024, Pasadona, LA, USA, Aug. 2024
Key Takeaways
- ChatGPT等语言大模型(LLMs)性能显著改善,广泛应用于在线环境的多个领域。
- 离线环境中的多模态对话功能正在实现,涉及AI智能代理指导的平板电脑终端和机器人对话系统。
- 多模态对话中,AI和用户之间的情感互认变得重要。
- 本研究探讨了AI代理是否能通过摄像头捕捉用户情绪并进行交互。
- AI代理能够识别用户的情绪状态并进行相应对话,尤其是针对快乐和愤怒等情绪状态较高的情境。
- 目前尚未研究AI代理通过用户面部表情识别情绪的方法。