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Talking Head Generation

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2025-02-22 更新

NeRF-3DTalker: Neural Radiance Field with 3D Prior Aided Audio Disentanglement for Talking Head Synthesis

Authors:Xiaoxing Liu, Zhilei Liu, Chongke Bi

Talking head synthesis is to synthesize a lip-synchronized talking head video using audio. Recently, the capability of NeRF to enhance the realism and texture details of synthesized talking heads has attracted the attention of researchers. However, most current NeRF methods based on audio are exclusively concerned with the rendering of frontal faces. These methods are unable to generate clear talking heads in novel views. Another prevalent challenge in current 3D talking head synthesis is the difficulty in aligning acoustic and visual spaces, which often results in suboptimal lip-syncing of the generated talking heads. To address these issues, we propose Neural Radiance Field with 3D Prior Aided Audio Disentanglement for Talking Head Synthesis (NeRF-3DTalker). Specifically, the proposed method employs 3D prior information to synthesize clear talking heads with free views. Additionally, we propose a 3D Prior Aided Audio Disentanglement module, which is designed to disentangle the audio into two distinct categories: features related to 3D awarded speech movements and features related to speaking style. Moreover, to reposition the generated frames that are distant from the speaker’s motion space in the real space, we have devised a local-global Standardized Space. This method normalizes the irregular positions in the generated frames from both global and local semantic perspectives. Through comprehensive qualitative and quantitative experiments, it has been demonstrated that our NeRF-3DTalker outperforms state-of-the-art in synthesizing realistic talking head videos, exhibiting superior image quality and lip synchronization. Project page: https://nerf-3dtalker.github.io/NeRF-3Dtalker.



PDF Accepted by ICASSP 2025



Key Takeaways

  1. NeRF技术被用于合成说话人头部的视频,增强了现实感和纹理细节。
  2. 当前NeRF方法主要关注正面面部的渲染,难以生成清晰的可视化头部在新型视角。
  3. 说话头合成面临的一个挑战是音频和视觉空间的对齐,这影响了生成视频的唇同步效果。
  4. 提出的NeRF-3DTalker方法利用三维先验信息合成清晰的可视化头部,并允许自由视角观看。
  5. NeRF-3DTalker引入了一个三维先验辅助音频分离模块,该模块将音频分为与三维语音动作相关的特征和与说话风格相关的特征。
  6. 为了调整生成帧的位置,开发了一种局部全局标准化空间,以提高生成的谈话头部的真实感和自然度。
  7. 实验表明,NeRF-3DTalker在合成高质量谈话头部视频方面具有优越性能,实现了高效的唇同步并提高了图像质量。

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文章作者: Kedreamix
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