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2025-03-04 更新

Chitranuvad: Adapting Multi-Lingual LLMs for Multimodal Translation

Authors:Shaharukh Khan, Ayush Tarun, Ali Faraz, Palash Kamble, Vivek Dahiya, Praveen Pokala, Ashish Kulkarni, Chandra Khatri, Abhinav Ravi, Shubham Agarwal

In this work, we provide the system description of our submission as part of the English to Lowres Multimodal Translation Task at the Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2024). We introduce Chitranuvad, a multimodal model that effectively integrates Multilingual LLM and a vision module for Multimodal Translation. Our method uses a ViT image encoder to extract visual representations as visual token embeddings which are projected to the LLM space by an adapter layer and generates translation in an autoregressive fashion. We participated in all the three tracks (Image Captioning, Text only and Multimodal translation tasks) for Indic languages (ie. English translation to Hindi, Bengali and Malyalam) and achieved SOTA results for Hindi in all of them on the Challenge set while remaining competitive for the other languages in the shared task.





Key Takeaways:

  1. 提交了作为英语到Lowres多媒体翻译任务的参与内容。
  2. 介绍了名为Chitranuvad的多媒体模型。
  3. 该模型结合了多语言LLM和视觉模块进行多媒体翻译。
  4. 使用ViT图像编码器提取视觉表示并将其转换为视觉令牌嵌入。
  5. 通过适配器层将视觉令牌嵌入投影到LLM空间。
  6. 在所有三个轨道的印地语翻译任务中取得了SOTA成果。

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文章作者: Kedreamix
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